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Perfect Illusion

Supuesta letra de Government Hooker

Por Internet anda navegando esto que se dise que es la letra de la cancion Government Hooker que se estreno un avance en remix el pasado  2 de marzo en el desfile Mugler.

We had our night 
Our real nature, 
No more time to decide, 
Let it climb, let it ignite 

I can be cool 
I can be anything 
I'll be your everything 
Just touch me baby 

Government Hooker 

(that girl better turn around) 
(get her on the ground) 
(that girl better turn around) 
(get down) 

Government Hooker, hooker 
She wrote her heart prayer 
Pull the trigger off 
And shape sounds of her sister 

I'm gonna drink my tears tonight 
I'm gonna drink my tears and cry 
'Cause I know you love me baby 

Government Hooker, Hooker, 
Heart to heart prayer, 
She faked pulling the trigger 
Daddy, mommy has made a crigger 

Government Hooker 

(that girl better turn around) 
(get her on the ground) 
(that girl better turn around) 
(get down) 

I'm gonna drink my tears tonight 
I'm gonna drink my tears and cry 
'Cause I know you love me baby 

Put your hands on me 
John F. Kennedy 
I'll make you squeal baby 

Love, Love 
The placenta you were born 
And now you strove 
The sex is good, invite your mates 

Government Hooker, hooker 
She wrote her heart prayer 
Pull the trigger off 
And shape sounds of her sister 

I'm gonna drink my tears tonight 
I'm gonna drink my tears and cry 
'Cause I know you love me baby 

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